Search Engine Optimisation

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) has become a bit of a speciality of ours in recent years. Some of the results we have achieved have been nothing less than spectacular.

When a local taxi company contracted us to create a new website to promote their Cirencester taxi business they couldn't have imagnined that within 2 weeks the site would not only be up and running, but it would also be the top ranking Google result for the term "cirencester taxi".

Why do you need Search Engine Optimisation?

Many people think that you can launch a website and you just appear on the first page of Google. This simply isn't the case.


Sure, if you wait long enough then You will appear in the Google listings for search terms relating to your business, but this could take months, and even then you may find you website appears on page 39 - who looks at anything other than the first two pages of search engine results!


Our proven search engine optimisation techniques give you the best possible change of attaining great search engine rankings. A top three ranking will ensure your visitor numbers are much, much higher that a listing lower down the page or on pages 2,3,4 etc.


How much does search engine optimisation cost?

This depends on the size of your website. Also, our SEO packages are fully customised based on your unique circumstances as there is no such thing as a 'one solutions fits all' SEO solution.

As a guide, prices start at £250 + VAT